Welcome to
Rivonia Therapy Centre

We at Rivonia Therapy Centre are passionate about mental health care and empowering individuals, families and our community to live life with awareness, fulfilment and freedom.
Rivonia Therapy Centre provides a wide range of services to restore psychological health and maintain well-being. Special attention is paid to the individual needs of each client, which makes a visit here useful and comfortable. Qualified specialists of the centre help to cope with stress, improve emotional state and take care of physical health. In the world of modern technology and entertainment, everyone sometimes needs rest not only in body but also in mind. In addition to therapy, an important aspect of balance can be quality time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For example, at https://sester-online.de/de-at/online-casino/you can find reviews of the best gambling sites offering a variety of games and bonus programmes. Such entertainment helps to relax and restore inner harmony. A holistic approach to life implies the ability to find a balance between work, leisure and hobbies. Rivonia Therapy Centre helps to take care of your health, while the use of modern entertainment platforms allows you to diversify your leisure time. This harmonious approach contributes to an overall better quality of life and inner balance.
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Services Offered

Individual Therapy

We offer both talk therapy and play therapy for kids (5+) to inspire change and improve the quality of life through self-awareness and exploration. Our psychologists use a variety of different treatment modalities such as, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Systems Therapy, Interpersonal Analysis (IPA), Psychodynamic Therapy, Narrative Therapy etc.

Family Therapy

Our therapists aim to improve the relationships and functioning of members of a family unit by helping family members to identify how specific behaviours affect others, learn new ways of relating to each other and resolve conflict.

Couples/Marital Therapy

Our therapists implement various methods to help clients develop a new understanding of the self, their partner and their relationship in order to repair and enhance the relationship.


We offer psycho-educational assessments for:

  • GDE, IEB, Cambridge time concessions
  • School readiness
  • Subject choice
  • Career choice and
  • Academic performance
We also offer neuropsychological assessments and emotional assessments.


Meet the team

Picture 1 Rivonia Therapy Centre Home


Counselling Psychologist
Pic for Rivonia Rivonia Therapy Centre Home


Clinical Psychologist
Brenny Maruma Rivonia Therapy Centre Home


Counselling Psychologist
Yvonne Chilimanzi Rivonia Therapy Centre Home


Counselling Psychologist
Professional photo Rivonia Therapy Centre Home


Counselling Psychologist
Boitumelo Headshot photo Rivonia Therapy Centre Home


Clinical Psychologist,

4 Benefits of therapy


Help you handle emotions from problems or stressors, even if they aren't dramatically life-altering or traumatic


Help you dissect a problem, then help you figure out how to solve it.


Talking with a therapist can help you find perspective and develop coping mechanisms.


Help you figure out what's really important for you and your wellness

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Medical Aid, Card, Cash and EFT Accepted
Individual Psychotherapy or Counselling:
51-60 mins R1 250.00
Couple's Therapy or Marriage Counselling:
81-90 mins R1 875.00
Psycho-educational Assessment:
R5 500.00 - R11 500.00
Full psychoeducational assessment:

Book your appointment with Rivonia Therapy Centre

Give us a call: +27 11 234 0450

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